September 18 – 19, 2025 – *New* Virtual Pastoral Crisis Intervention


Pastoral Crisis Intervention – Virtual

September 18 – 19, 2025
Two Day Class – Must attend both days!

Course will take place from 8:30am – 5:00pm EST each day, doors open at 8:00am, and will be led by JoAnn Fiorello and Fuzzy Lake.

Please contact Fuzzy at [email protected]  or JoAnn at [email protected] for a coupon code. 

If you wish to purchase registration for multiple participants, please add that number to your cart. Then use the participant field below to list the name, private address, email and cell phone number for correspondence (comma separated). This will expedite the sending of materials and other correspondence. 

Please note! It is strongly recommended to use a personal email address. Many work related email addresses/domains (.gov, .mil, .edu, etc) have a firewall that will prevent you from receiving your training confirmation and other course related emails. 

38 in stock



Pastoral Crisis Intervention: Psychological and Faith-Based Crisis Intervention, *NEW*

Course Description:
The purpose of this course is to improve the ability of the participants to practice “Pastoral Crisis Intervention” (PCI). PCI may be thought of as the practice of psychological crisis intervention within a spiritual/religious context. The purpose is NOT to teach theology. This is an “entry-
level” class. It is assumed that attendees have NOT had SAFER-R PFA training previously!

Program Highlights:

  • Be able to define Pastoral Crisis Intervention (PCI).
  • Understand and differentiate the key terms and concepts relevant to the study of psychological crisis intervention  and PCI.
  • Be able to describe the 5 functional elements of PCI.
  • Understand the nature and definition of Critical Incident Stress Management (CISM) and its role as a continuum of care.
  • Understand the risks of iatrogenic “harm” associated with psychological crisis intervention and will further understand how to reduce those risks.
  • Review research relevant to the practice of psychological crisis intervention.
  • Be able to list the 4 goals of crisis intervention.
  • Be better to recognize at least five common psychological and behavioral reactions of someone in crisis.
  • Understand and PRACTICE the steps in the SAFER-R model of individual psychological crisis intervention/ PFA.
  • Understand and PRACTICE the SAFER-R model for suicide intervention.
  • Learning the new Intervention taught by Fuzzy Lake called “H.E.L.P.S. in Crisis (Helping Employees Learn Practical Solutions in Crisis)
  • Learn How to Avoid Burnout in the Ministry

Certificates and Continuing Education:

General Contact Hours: 
Two-Day Course; 13 Contact Hours: 1.3 General CEUs from University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC) Dept. of Emergency Health Services Professional and Continuing Education (PACE). Based on a formula of 1 Continuing Education Unit for every 10 contact/classroom

ICISF Certificate of Completion:
After the completion of this ICISF course, with verified full attendance, participants are eligible to receive an electronic ICISF Certificate of Completion including General Continuing Education Units. Participants are required to complete a course evaluation prior to receiving this
Certificate of Completion.

Completion of ICISF courses and receipt of an ICISF Certificate of Completion does not attest to competence in the field, nor does it provide certification in the field of CISM.